Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Relax Porn Lovers, its not #PornBan

In recent wake of so called porn ban in India, people of the country are strongly reacting against it and throwing all kind of criticism at the government for intruding their personal space and messing up with their democratic right.

There is no question about the non-transparent and non-inclusive way the government went about it and all of a sudden blocked popular websites without any prior notification to the public. They might have ignored the constitutional way of doing it to avoid widespread protest; however, it didn't help them anyway since the aftermath of their action in this regard is quite loud and clear.

But it is important to know two key aspects of government's recent action on porn websites: 

First, the porn is not banned in India, nor the government has any constitutional right to do so, and
Second, you can still access unlimited porn on internet beyond those 857 websites in question.

By now most of us knows that 857 porn websites were blocked due to Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by advocate Vijay Panjwani. But the reason behind government's action was to curb websites on the internet, especially the ones showing child pornography. The senior DoT official conveyed that the blocking of 857 websites was in compliance with the SC directive asking for measures to block porn sites, particularly those dealing with child pornography. So by doing this the government is not banning porn, you can still access porn beyond those 857 websites in questions.

Child pornography is illegal, condemned and blocked across all developed nations since it is a major evil behind child trafficking, child abuse, and various other crimes against children across the world.  Citizens are right in their critical reaction against the way government blocked these websites, but at the same time, it is our duty to appreciate and support our government in fighting against the evil of child pornography. And if someone believes that government is wrong in its efforts to stop child pornography and it is his fundamental right to watch a child being sexually abused, god bless his child.

Further, porn which is meant for pleasure and not for abuse can never be banned in India. The Supreme Court is pretty much clear on an individual's constitutional right to watch it in his own privacy. It is your choice which type of porn you support. So far the attack on our good times is concerned, guys, 857 is not even a drop in the ocean when it comes to pornographic content the internet holds and I am sure you already know the ways.